$ der init your-demo der go der clean
Select template & Initialize your project
Submit your project and generate [dev] branches
Clear local caches
der init your-demo
More than 10 templates are available for you to choose from
1. Vue2官方标准项目模板
2. Vue3官方标准项目模板
3. Vue3 组件库开发模板(Ts版)
4. Vue3 组件库开发模板(Js版)
5. electron-vue-vite
6. React官方标准项目模板
7. 全栈开发模板
8. More...
More than 10 templates are available for you to choose from
1. Vue2官方标准项目模板
2. Vue3官方标准项目模板
3. Vue3 组件库开发模板(Ts版)
4. Vue3 组件库开发模板(Js版)
5. electron-vue-vite
6. React官方标准项目模板
7. 全栈开发模板
8. More...
der go
Quickly create remote repo and submit
You don't need do anything, just der go
✓ Auto commiting ...done
Quickly create remote repo and submit
___ __ \____________
__ / / / _ \_ ___/
_ /_/ // __/ /
/_____/ \___//_/ </> with ♥ by yesmore ©2022
You don't need do anything, just der go
✓ Auto commiting ...done
der clean
remove: /Users/hostname/.git ...done.
remove: /Users/hostname/template ...done.
remove: /Users/hostname/dependencies ...done.
remove: /Users/hostname/template ...done.
remove: /Users/hostname/dependencies ...done.
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